
For an organization like PCIG the gathering and dissemination of information is the core of what we do. While it is import that we have individuals like Ethan Borger, Tom Shredd and Kevin Chaffee that are willing to do the research and share their information, we are still limited by the aggregation of their knowledge. Like many things in life the more people that are taking the known fact and building new solutions the better. If we can take what Ethan, Tom and Kevin are giving us and come up with new solutions PCIG becomes a stronger organization. In short, we need your participation.

  • New Prostate Cancer InfoLink Social Network

    So just over 300 patients have already completed the survey that we put up on line last Friday. Thanks to all of you who have done that. And we’d really like to see if we can get to … more

  • Michael Dattoli, MD on why Focal Therapy won't work.

    Dr. Dattoli owns the Dattoli Cancer Center in Sarasota, Floradia. He has treated a number of the members of our group and when it comes to treating Prostate Cancer with radiation his facility is … more

  • Biopsy Result Questions

    Tags: prostate cancer, biopsy, biopsy results

    For anyone who has just had a biospy and is interested in getting the most out of their followup visit to the doctor, the following is a check list put together by Preston Black.

    1. How many cores … more

  • How to use WebEx Video Conferencing

    You will be sent an invitation to attend a WebEx Meeting. Click on the link indicated by the red arrow:

    If this is your first time you will be require to install an extension to your browser. … more

  • Feraheme Imaging

    If you are considering treatment at the Dattoli Cancer Center you can anticipate going to the Sand Lake Imaging and have an MRI that uses ferromagnetic nanoparticle called Feraheme as a contrasting … more

  • New to Prostate Cancer Guide

    Click on the following link to download Zero's prostate cancer toolkit for Newly diagnosed Men and Families.

    Download more

  • Mike Ahmed on Fasting

    I fast Monday and Tuesday for the following benefits:


    Helps detox my body

    Helps with insulin resistance which is a major disruptor in all kinds of health degradation including cancer

    Reduces … more

  • Dattoli on Focal Therapy

    In the opinion of most the future of prostate cancer treatment will involve either Immunotherapy or some type of Focal Therapy. Some Urologists like Michael Dattoli are making the case that Focal … more

  • Mike Ahmed's Diet

    For those not familiar, Mike is the individual that was able to clear his prostate of cancer by using alternative treatments which included the use of Cannabis. If you have any questions for Mike … more