U C Health Memory Study
Thanks for your interest in the study!
We do have a requirement that BMI must be 25 or greater……so if that excludes you, please feel free to pass along the information below to others in your cancer support community. However, please note that a patient with any type of current cancer or cancer within the last five years would not be appropriate for our study, but someone with non-brain cancer diagnosed more than five years ago might be appropriate. If the patient received chemotherapy, we would need to screen them carefully for permanent cognitive change associated with chemotherapy.
The study involves changing the foods you eat and taking a nutritional supplement. In order to qualify, participants must be between the ages of 50-65, must not have diabetes, must have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 or greater, (here is a link to an online BMI calculator…. https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/BMI/bmicalc.htm ) and must have some complaints of memory problems, but not diagnosed with dementia. The study lasts 12 weeks and involves 3 or 4 study visits with memory testing and blood draws. Two of the study visits (the first visit and the final visit) last approximately 3 hours but the other visits last only 30 minutes. Total payment for study participation varies between $175 - $200.