E. Michael D. (Mike) Scott - 10/28/2020
E. Michael D. (“Mike”) Scott is the President, Executive Director, and Co-Founder of Prostate
Cancer International. He has been working – more on than off -- as a prostate cancer educator,
advocate, and discussion leader since 1989, when he helped to launch a drug called flutamide
(Eulexin) which all most nobody takes anymore today. It was the first antiandrogen. He was also
heavily involved in the initial education of the US urology about things like the PSA test and
transrectal ultrasound.
Prostate Cancer International was formed in 2008 when a urologist persuaded Mike to rebuild
The “New” Prostate Cancer InfoLink together with its associated social network. An earlier
version of these web site was built in 1995 when it first became clear that we could use “web
sites” to educate all sorts of different patients about their disorders.
Prostate Cancer International’s primary goal is to help [patients ask the smartest questions they
can to their doctors so that they can get the most accurate diagnosis and the best possible
care. However, we also help patients patients to understand that prostate cancer is complex
and that making “the best” decision for any individual patient can be very hard – for patients
AND their doctors.
Among other things, also Mike used to run a large, specialized healthcare communications
company and he was the Chairman of the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). He
is still a member of the Board of Directors of the International Myeloma Foundation (IMF), a
member of the American Urology Association (AUA), a member of the American Society of
Clinical Oncology (ASCO), and an emeritus member of the American Society of Hematology. He
also still runs a healthcare communications consulting company.
He is NOT a doctor and he does NOT “play one on TV!
Michael D. Scott
President and Executive Director
Prostate Cancer International
Tel: 267 250 5087
E-mail: mike@pcainternational.org
Web: https://pcainternatiinal.org